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UK location

The Abattoir, Montrose Road, Brechin, Angus, DD9 7RU, United Kingdom

Company Registration Number: SC090365
VAT number: GB 428121868
Industry SIC Codes: 10890
Plant Number: UK 1136 EC

USA location

711 Hormel Century Parkway,Austin,MN,55912, USA

Company Registration Number: 0106514500
SIC Code20,201
Plant Number: 1620
EIN: 75-2199109
CHINA REG. NO.: CUSA01122003170121 / CUSA06032003170139

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat-Sun: Closed


Phone: +1 612 496 0280 / +44 7477207524
WhatsApp:+1 817 592 2638
Email: support@qualityporkprocessors.com

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